NeuroMovement lessons are the ideal complement to psychotherapy

Regulating the nervous system

Somatic practices like Feldenkrais and NeuroMovement can positively support psychotherapy in many ways. Both methods use gentle, mindful movements to regulate the nervous system and dissolve deeply ingrained patterns.

1. Enhancing body awareness and self-regulation

Psychological issues such as anxiety or trauma are often linked to disrupted body awareness. Feldenkrais and NeuroMovement help develop a finer sense of bodily sensations, allowing patients to recognize tension and actively relax.

2. Integrating mind and body

Many psychological problems manifest not only in thoughts and emotions but also as physical tension or blockages. Through targeted movement, patients learn to feel safe on a physical level, making emotional processing in therapy easier.

3. Supporting neuroplasticity

NeuroMovement is based on the principles of neuroplasticity — the brain’s ability to change through new experiences. This supports psychotherapy by forming new neural connections that enable more flexible thinking and behavior patterns.

4. Trauma work and gentle nervous system regulation

In trauma therapy, it is crucial not to overwhelm the nervous system. Somatic practices help patients gently transition out of states of freeze or hyperarousal without risking retraumatization.

5. Strengthening emotional resilience

Movement directly affects the autonomic nervous system. Through mindful movement, people can learn to shift from stress states to relaxation more quickly, enhancing emotional resilience and making it easier to navigate challenging therapeutic topics.

6. Changing unconscious patterns

Many psychological patterns are deeply stored in the body. Feldenkrais and NeuroMovement offer a gentle way to access these patterns without needing verbal expression, allowing blockages to dissolve that might be difficult to reach through words alone.

7. Promoting self-efficacy and curiosity

Both methods use small, playful movements that encourage exploration and experimentation. This helps patients break out of rigid thought patterns and discover new possibilities — both physically and emotionally.


Somatic practices like Feldenkrais and NeuroMovement are valuable additions to psychotherapy. They help utilize the body as a resource, deepen emotional processes, and regulate the nervous system gently. This combination can be especially beneficial for individuals dealing with anxiety, trauma, or chronic tension.


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Developing a healthy image of self: by moving!