We learn to walk lying down.

Here is an overview of most of the milestones a child has to accomplish in order to walk independently and safely.

lying on the side 


tummy crawling 

coming on all fours, rocking position


transitioning between different positions




standing on the knees

getting up

I divided the process from the start of life until a child can walk independently into pieces and made videos for you to watch and understand what it takes. 

Here is the first part: lying on the back

From birth on the baby does thousands of tiny, uncoordinated movements every day. These are very important to map the body in the brain. Every time the baby touches the ground or her own body it gives her information about her own body as well as about herself in relation to the environment. The head needs to be free in oder to roll from side to side to develop her vision as well as the head-spine-pelvis-relationship. Every single one of these movements is required to reach every following milestone and to eventually being able to walk.

Don’t practice tummy-time

If the baby is put on the belly before she can roll onto the belly herself she can not move anymore as at this early time of life mostly the flexors work. This is why most babies cry when they are put on the belly before they can roll onto the belly themselves. If your baby is healthy and gets a lot of floor time he or she will learn to roll and be on the belly when she put all the pieces together. There is absolutely no need to practice tummy-time. Babies don’t need to exercise. 

Don’t let yourself be fooled by the industry.

Please be aware that if you keep your baby in a car seat, in a baby rocker or in any of these equipments for more time than absolutely necessary, you take away the opportunity for learning.

If you have questions about tummy time or if you are concerned that your baby is having difficulties in reaching mile stones, I’m here to help.

After lying on the back comes THE SIDE POSITION – read the next blog.


Side position


Difference between traditional therapy and the NeuroMovement method.