learn to move again

Accident, injury, stroke, illness – there are many reasons why a person can no longer move as well as before after a traumatic event.

Relearn movement

The spontaneous reaction to an injury is usually that you want to “repair” what was “broken”. But that alone is often not enough. Of course, a broken bone or an injured joint needs to regain its structure. However, since humans are not machines, this approach has limited chances of success.

In order for people to be able to move as well (or perhaps even better) than before the unfortunate event, it is important to re-map the body part whose function was damaged or completely lost in the brain. It is essential to work with the entire body - skeleton, muscles and nervous system - because the entire interaction between all bones and muscles must be relearned.

Restore functionality

It is not enough to use old movement patterns for new functionality. They no longer fit or only partially fit. With NeuroMovement it is possible to restore the functionality of the brain and give people back their independent lives.

Because it is the brain that organizes everything: movement, feelings, thoughts, perception and emotions. This means that it is necessary to reconnect the movement patterns in the brain in order to make movement possible again.


Scientifically recognized

Through gentle but precise movements, I can communicate with the brain and encourage it to relearn what has been lost. In this way, the potential of the brain is awakened and remarkable results have been achieved thousands of times that go far beyond what was thought possible.

The NeuroMovement method has been validated by leading brain scientists and recommended for rehabilitation, therapy and performance improvement. It uses the findings of modern brain research coupled with today's knowledge about the biodynamics of our body - that's what makes it so enormously effective for relearning, relearning or improving movement.

Outstanding achievements

No pain. No fear. No pressure to succeed. Security. These are the basic requirements for successful learning. My students learn under these circumstances. And that's why successes are possible that go far beyond expectations.

Offer “learn to move again”

Try-out lesson

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After illness, stroke or accident, learn to move again and regain your security.


I organize workshops for small groups upon request.

Areas of application “relearning movement”


Ankle joint injury

Knee injury

Hip injury

Shoulder injury

Elbow injury

Wrist injury

Carpal tunnel syndrome


Brain trauma


Chronic diseases