Feedback from the boy’s mom

As a NeuroMovement Practitioner, I regularly travel to other places to work intensively with children and their parents for a week.

After this week I return home tired but happy and my thoughts are still - and again and again - with the children. Many positive changes take place after the intensive, when the children integrate what they have learned. And I'm obviously curious to see what discoveries and developments take place after I'm gone.

Two weeks after the intensive, the mother sent me pictures of her son sitting. Her words were:

"He sits differently now. I think he's more comfortable and he can use his arms more."

Looking at these pictures makes me very happy and grateful.

What more could we ask for? This is how the learning process works. Step by step. In the next intensive we can build on everything he has learned so far. With every NeuroMovement lesson, we upgrade the brain to do its job better - namely, carrying out actions, bringing order in the disorder and making sense out of the nonsense.


Difference between traditional therapy and the NeuroMovement method.


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