Learn how to play Golf easily.

People say, Golf is one of the most difficult sports to learn. As I’m a movement coach, I took on the challenge to learn how to play. 

The body has around 206 bones.

Each one of them can be in a different position relativ to the other 205. If you do the calculation you get a huge number of combinations. So having all these bones in a more or less optimal position to hit the golf ball successfully is quite a difficult task to do.

Knowing where my body parts are in space

I’m happy to have my golf pro Wendy who helps me to put all my bones in place. My big advantage in learning how to play golf is my high body awareness. I’ve beed doing hundreds of “awareness through movement” lessons – as Moshé Feldenkrais called them. Now when I do the swing and the pro corrects me I can immediately follow the instruction as I know where all my body parts are at any given moment. Plus the movement lessons keep my body flexible and the risk of getting injured is very low.

Improve your performance quickly, easily and safely.

No matter what age you are if you also want to improve your performance quickly, easily and safely, check in with me. I’m here to put you on the next level.


Feedback from the boy’s mom


Blossom Retreat Istria